Heartland ITS, Inc.

Why host your corporate e-mail and website with Heartland ITS?

1. @yourcompany.com Your own domain name is an excellent reinforcement of brand identity. Rather than e-mail addresses ending with your ISP's name, your addresses will end with @yourcompany.com.

2. Unlimited mailboxes With no restrictions on mailbox size, you can send and receive attachments as often as you need.

3. Do YOU know how to reconfigure a POP server? And do you have the time to do it? Let Heartland handle the configuration and maintenance issues related to your e-mail accounts, so you can concentrate on running your business. We'll also make sure your website stays live, so your customers have 24-hour access.

Today's electronic communication is not a fancy gadget anymore; it is a business necessity. Your firm can do business better and faster with very little investment. The transfer of files such as word-processing documents, spreadsheets and graphics between companies and individuals is being done through Internet e-mail all around the world.

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