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209 E William St
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>>StoreFront>>Off-Site Services
Off-Site Services
All work is done at a Heartland ITS Site

Content Specialist
The internet has become a viable platform for both marketing efforts, business transactions, customer relations, and customer support. It is the easiest way for you to provide mass ammounts of information to your customers and does so at a very low cost. You can provide custom information about each of your clients, at their request, without ever having to staff a telephone or go running to the filing cabinet for specific information. Your website can do that for hundreds or thousands of customers at the same time without putting anyone on hold.   Learn More
Graphics Specialist
Fluff is fluff. But people notice it. People recognize it. And all things being equal, people would rather work with a company that presents itself with a clean, bold, eye-catching web presence over one that has no defining style. Let our professional graphics specialist help you define that style. In addition, working with a graphics specialist will bring a host of other benefits to your site. Improved layout and navigation, enhanced usability, and upgraded logo and brand recognition. Its not just fluff.   Learn More
Principle Engineer
The principle engineer is the key you need to bring inventive ideas together into a useable software solution. Add one to your team and see how things get done.   Learn More
Website Developer
Heartland ITS will create, develop, administer, and/or enhance existing Web site designs including any accompanying graphics/documents associated with the Web site. Heartland ITS will provide continual web site updates and maintenance as needed.   Learn More

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